Polytopia Wiki

Strategy by Zakaria[]

If your capital has ice on its area, move your Mooni towards it so you can spread the ice because a Mooni can move 2 tiles if it goes on the ice.

Make a Warrior on Turn 1 and send it in a different direction to your Mooni.

The key for Polaris is to create as much ice as possible and quickly build an Ice Bank to drastically increase income, since, by the time an Ice Bank is built mid-game, there will be a significant number of tiles already frozen.

The quickest way to spread ice is to make the Mooni move, make ice then move to the new ice so you can make ice every two turns. A good direction is to move diagonally toward the sea, because when you freeze the corner you can freeze up to 5 tiles.

Don't bother researching tech until you find a village and have enough stars to buy a tech that can upgrade both the capital and the 2nd city. You must wait to claim the village until you have the tech to upgrade it.

If the 2nd city can be connected by an outpost, don't research any technology, just claim it right away, then put two outposts (one in the capital and one in the 2nd city) so that both can be upgraded to level 2.

Keep your economy strong, so you can buy technology and units easily. (This goes for all tribes, not just Polaris).

Learn to maximize your freezing capabilities, because frozen enemy units can't retaliate when attacked. If you meet the enemies before you get a Gaami or have enough Moonies, Ice Archer is worth buying.


